Quote of the day:They say that love conquers all. Maybe,
but *I* haven't lost faith in armored
divisions with awesome firepower coupled
with total air and naval superiority.
(Maurizio Mariotti)
Saturday, February 26
Weekend Randomness
So, today I'm bored. Almost no one is putting up new posts. Shame on you all. LMAO! Yes Tina, my morning cartoons are over and I have to wait until 4:30pm to get a decent cartoon! Makes me want to pull my hair out. I remember the days when I could get cartoons all Saturday long. (This is after age 18, we didn't have tv growing up. It probably explains why I watch Inuyasha every night and am obsessed over my Saturday night Cartoon Network ones.) Sundays are for football, I want to catch them on saturday, not have to watch reruns. So, in my boredness, I have reread blogs atleast twice today. No one is posting, but there are many new comments. I have to say they get funnier as they go on. The ones over at Jack's are, by now hilarious. I keep rechecking to see how much funnier it will get. I know Jack's not dead, I know he's ok. I found that site, through jay, and ended up at trahsman's site. So after the one post that hinted at the possibility of losing his job everyone got worried. However, jack posted in comments over at jay's that night I think, and I thought it was very funny. The comments on jack's site are very funny and worth the read. Not the ones where everyone tells him, yadda yadda come back please (I did it too.), the ones with Mitch and Big Sexy's names. What I want to know, is if it really was them. It could have been anyone. I think if it wasn't them, it probably was jay or trash or even jack. This is what keeps me going back to the comments even though the site's been shut down for so long. I've noticed some of the commenters there think he's not ok. Obviously they aren't jay or trashman readers. Getting to the point. So I need more reading material. I've been systematically visiting the people on Restless Angel's list. So, I've been to the site of the lady whose father died. I do feel bad for her, it does look to be a promising blog for my dose of funny. I also went to 2 more. I'm not going to start naming names, because most don't even know I visited. I usually wait a while to comment. I tend to obsess and dole out advice where it's not needed or wanted. I have to restrain. That and I don't really like to echo what other people say. You know, that was a beautiful poem, nice painting. That one site did have some nice paintings. I actually did start to comment on seven's site. I've actually been a few times. It's fairly amusing. I don't get the 'poink' thing though. I have yet to dig through the archives. Another day maybe. Point to the story, I found a funny quiz. I didn't even have to steal it from tina!
So, I'm gonna die at 69? It's fairly unlikely. My family generally lives well past 90years old. I did find it amusing though.
Unicorn. Edited to match the page.